Elder Wang nodded his head. Although this kind of thing is rare, it is not impossible. What is impossible in the field of repair? Elder Wang nodded his head slightly and praised, "It’s really good that you can breathe air into your body by yourself without the guidance of Master, and it’s been practicing from the first floor to the seventh floor for 30 years. Let me test your bones."

Elder Wang put his hand on the palm of Xi Fangping’s hand, giving a hint of aura. After patrolling in Xi Fangping’s body for a while, he took back his hand. Xi Fangping laughed in his heart. After all, it was just a monk’s test during the condensation period. It was so troublesome, Master. His old man’s house just took a glance and touched everything clearly.
Elder Wang’s face showed a trace of disappointment, and there was no enthusiasm just now. It took a long time for him to simply say, "You have all the qualifications to rise from one layer of air-entraining to seven layers of air-entraining in 30 years, which is not bad."
Xi Fangping snigger is not thirty years, but fifteen years, especially from the fourth floor to the seventh floor. He has spent five years like this, even compared with the guy who owns the spirit root, it won’t be too bad. Of course, this is the contribution of Hunyuan Zongxian Qi Lingshi, but it is not his Xi Fangping who has such qualifications
Senior Wang said, "Maybe it’s because of some unknown elixir. Your physical strength is stronger than that of the ordinary seven-story monks, and your meridians are a little stronger than that of the ordinary seven-story monks. This means that you can release more aura than the ordinary seven-story monks, and you are stronger among the monks of the same order."
"The meridians are thicker?" XiFangPing one leng, of course, he knows that his physical strength and strength are better than ordinary people, but his body meridians are stronger than ordinary people. This is the first time I’ve heard that there are probably too many colorful lotus fruits, and if you add dragon incarnations to your physique, people will be different, and the body meridians will be thick.
"However, the thick body meridians also have a disadvantage." Elder Wang looked puzzled. Xi Fangping said simply, "The thick body meridians have more aura than the monks of the same order, but the aura needed for advanced is also more than that of the monks of the same order. You are 50 years old and the five spirits are normal. You Shou Yuan is 200 years old. It is hoped that you will be advanced to the condensate period in just 150 years."
Xi Fangping paused and immediately revealed a wry smile. Everything has a good side and a bad side. Xi Fangping has long been accustomed to this situation. Xi Fangping said simply, "Everything has its own chance. You can’t force the younger generation to enter the fix-up world and make yourself Shou Yuan rise from less than one hundred years to about two hundred years. It is already an invitation to the younger generation to dare not expect too much."
The elder Wang nodded. "It’s rare for you to have such an idea. I hope you can succeed."
When Xi Fangping walked on the stage, the queue was already half a mile long, and more and more monks came here. Count them-at least there were more than 7,000 people. Xi Fangping couldn’t help wondering what happened this year. There are so many applicants coming to Yunmenjian.
The registration lasted for three days. A total of about 3,000 monks will go to gallants to compete for the place of only 100 brothers. This is estimated that Yunmenjian has registered for the most time in recent hundreds of years. Xi Fangping couldn’t help shouting bad luck. At the beginning, Yunmenjian ranked at the end of the five factions, and its strength was the worst among the top ten sects. So the competition for the place of its brothers should be the least among the top ten sects. It should not be too fierce. Xi Fangping thinks so, and other disciples think so. This led to the fact that the number of people who signed up for Yunmenjian is much higher than the other four
According to the rules, one hundred brothers will be recruited in Yunmenjian this time. Therefore, all monks in gallants will be divided into one hundred groups according to their strength. About thirty people in each group will be eliminated in five rounds, and the final quota will be obtained to ensure the fairness of the competition. The contestants hosted by Yunmenjian will be evenly distributed to each group according to the strength of the contestants. About one hundred monks who signed up for this competition are evenly divided into one hundred groups, and this one hundred people will become a hot spot for each group to enter the final quota.
The once-in-20-year apprentice gathering has been extended for thousands of years, so many industries have just finished signing up. In Xifangping, there are already people selling the counterpoint of each group in the town, but the price is a little expensive. Even so, these lists are quite popular. After all, it is always good for you to know more about one opponent.
Xi Fangping also got together to buy a list. After getting the list, Xi Fangping gasped. All the players in his group turned out to be seven-story or seven-story monks, which can be regarded as the most competitive groups. This group has a total of 31 players, including seven-story, seventeen-story, nine-story and one-story.
Xi Fangping was ranked 27th, that is, the last fifth place. On his name, he wrote a few lines of fine print: seven layers of air-entraining and five spiritual roots. I don’t know the odds of the multiplier, but I lose one hundred.
Looking at the last few words, Xi Fangping is a bit dull. Is this a gathering of apprentices or a gambling meeting? This thing Xi Fangping knows that his brothers are all well before. I don’t know how much money has been thrown into the casino. No wonder so many monks have arrived, but about 30% of the applicants are always staring at the odds.
This list is quite accurate, even Xi Fangping knows clearly when he talks with the surname Wang at the end of condensate gas. Obviously, it is those who are responsible for calling the younger brothers to leak it out or simply Yunmenjian who want to make some money by themselves. If every monk present buys a list, it will be about 10,000 pieces of lingshi. For ordinary Sanxiu, several generations can’t earn such a sum of money. It is not a small amount for some small cats and kittens to send three or two schools.
Xi Fangping’s eyes turned to the first person’s name, and it said that Huang Jiang was born in the Xiuzhen family with ten layers of air bleeding. I don’t know the method of the instrument. I don’t know the odds of the giant sword. I have never fought with the monks. I don’t know what my strength is, but my intuition tells him that this Huang Jiang will be the first competitor if he can get the quota. Everyone in this group will regard Huang Jiang as the first opponent. After all, he is the only one in the whole group who is born in the Xiuzhen family. Especially, he is also a teacher. The famous gate is extremely rare in casual practice, and the three spiritual roots are definitely worse than ordinary casual practice. Even Yunmenjian people love it very much, so that he can save his strength in the first round to ensure the quota.
Xi Fangping looked at himself again. He was lucky. His first opponent was also an air-entraining seven-story. He shouldn’t be strong enough to go there. This person is also from the same family. He also has a good teacher. He can’t relax. In a sense, Xi Fangping has some concepts in his heart. The family of repairing truth is actually a school of repairing truth. Under normal circumstances, it is affiliated to other Daimon Masaru schools.
Everyone in the fix-true world knows that both parents are brothers born with celestial roots, and it is quite possible that they are also brothers born with celestial roots. The same is true for other spiritual roots. Therefore, all the schools have sent people to ensure the quality of their brothers, which will deliberately promote the two brothers to have wonderful bones and men to share a double iu for a long time. The fix-true family has emerged. The monks from the fix-true family generally have good bones and their skills are also from the major sects. Of course, not all the monks from the fix-true family will have their own good brothers. Major sects will also be selected on the basis of merit, but if they are not selected, they will have to find other ways to enter the major sects. gallants is a good choice, which is better than some repair families. It is indeed quite difficult for them to enter the major sects by deliberately introducing their poor disciples to the major sects and letting the best and strongest disciples enter the major sects through beating. Therefore, the disciples of the repair family have always been the main force of the apprentice gathering. It is thought that there are hundreds of repair families in the repair world of Wu alone.
Chapter 25 Beat ()
The opponent in the first round came from the Xiuzhen family, which should not be an easy advocate, especially since that guy, like himself, didn’t report the name of the weapon. Obviously, it was to let others lose their real strength, but it was certain that this battle would not be easy, but Xi Fangping didn’t care that if he wanted to be the final winner, he would have to win five games in a row. If the other side really had the strength, it would be the same sooner or later, and the result would be the same. Anyway, if he lost one game, there would be no hope.
I touched my waist and hung a bag. Xi Fangping’s face showed a smile. Not long ago, I sold Chiyanghua and got 250 pieces of lingshi, 20 pieces plus the original 10 pieces. Now I still have 240 pieces in my hand. Judging from the odds, my odds are quite large. I ranked last among 31 gallants people, just like the other six. It is recognized that it is impossible to win the final victory. A few former dissidents are standard gamblers. Therefore, Xi Fangping still knows a little about gamblers’ psychology. There are many people who dare to do things. Even those who are particularly brave will dare to do it if they pay 20 yuan; No one will do the so-called "seeking wealth and danger" in the event of losing one hundred, but it must have a score. Yunmenjian lists the highest odds, that is, losing one hundred, which means that even those high-ranking monks in Yunmenjian think that people like Xi Fangping have no possibility of winning. Then who will throw the Lingshi into the water for nothing? It’s not easy to get the lingshi for the scattered practitioners. They all earned it piece by piece, and the hard work means the scattered practitioners themselves know how it is possible to give the lingshi to others.
Since no one dares to pay attention to himself, why don’t you just take care of yourself? Xi Fangping has always had no concept of money, so he did when he was in the brother escort agency, and so he did in the repair world. Probably, he has seen some scary things with great value in the hands of real treasures, and he doesn’t care much about Lingshi. Xi Fangping thought about it and decided to throw all Lingshi into himself. Besides, even if he lost, it’s no big deal to go back to Tianchi and pick out the red flowers inside. Xi Fangping has got better quality for Tianchi.
After placing the order and betting, Xi Fangping returned to his rented house. The competition in his group was scheduled to be held in three days. He still has three days to meditate to keep his body and mind in the best condition.
On the third day, Xi Fangping came to the square early in the morning. At this time, the square was already a sea of people. Although it was large, it became crowded with tens of thousands of monks. Ten rings were set in the middle of the square. This ring is much bigger than the mortal ring. It is ten feet tall, ten feet wide and ten feet long. Most monks are long-range attackers. This ring is the most suitable for them.
Xi Fangping noticed that there was a small table with the same height sitting on the edge of each challenge. Most of the trials were air-entraining period, but at least there was a gas-condensing period. Xi Fangping now set up his own competition, which turned out to be the one to test for himself. At the end of wang xing’s gas-condensing period, the monk Yunmenjian was really digging, and the young and strong monks were sending painstaking practice, but they tried their best to let these advanced monks come out to support the scene. That abacus was really fine.
Xi Fangping’s group had already beaten Xi Fangping and squeezed in, and chose a remote corner where he carefully watched the fight among the monks in Taiwan. It was also a rare learning opportunity for him. After all, Xi Fangping had never touched anyone since he became a monk, and his experience was insufficient.
Xi Fangping’s monks are fighting with mortals, which is very different. Most of the fights of martial arts people are close-knit fights, and the two sides can touch each other with their hands and feet, but the monks are different. Most of them are driving the implements on both sides to carry out long-range attacks on each other, and the weapons on both sides are touching properly and ringing wildly, but the monks are at least five or six feet apart. The key to winning or losing is mainly to see who the implements are shot down by the other side or who is directly hit out of the ring by the other side. After all, things like fireballs, ice bombs and so on can be easily done if they are hit hard.
After watching the whole ten games, Xi Fangping saw the doorway, and he also noticed that no one had used the charm from beginning to end. This reminded him of some precautions mentioned in the notice. The notice did point out that both sides should not use the charm. At that time, Xi Fangping did not pay special attention to it. It was also that if the charm was used, it would not be their own strength, but to see who had more stones, which obviously did not conform to the original intention of the major sects to summon students.
Finally, Xi Fangping took the wheel, and everyone walked down the stairs to the ring. Xi Fangping’s appearance caused a burst of exclamations from the monks in Taiwan. Some female monks screamed more than they could help themselves. Beauty is so beautiful and beautiful. This is only for women. Xi Fangping’s appearance is often handsome in men, which is not enough to express the appearance of attending Fang Ping.
For this kind of screaming, Xi Fangping has long been accustomed to ignoring Xi Fangping’s attention, focusing on his opponent. The opponent is a young man who looks short and seems to be in his thirties, but even Xi Fangping can be sure of his age. You know, monks always look younger and as old as Wang’s predecessors. After all, it is rare to be an old monk.
What attracted Xi Fangping’s attention was that the other party didn’t have a multiplier at hand, but hung a bag around his waist. This means that the other party didn’t want to expose his multiplier to the opponent earlier. Xi Fangping smiled and bowed his hand at the other party. The other party seemed to be surprised that Xi Fangping was so polite and a little uncomfortable.
After the scene was done, Xi Fangping took a shot at the bag and a big mace slowly appeared in front of everyone. After watching a mace, the elder Wang showed a strange expression on his face and waved his hand lightly toward Xi Fangping and asked, "Xi Fangping, why didn’t you take out a mortal weapon without a multiplier?"
Xi Fangping took a deep breath and blushed his face. He said in a embarrassed tone, "I, I can’t afford an instrument without a stone. Even I signed up and sold the herbs I have collected for more than ten years before I became a monk. I used to bet on darts for several years. This mace is my weapon and my only weapon."
The elder Wang took a pity look at a square flat before he sat down again to deal with mortal weapons and fight monks in the ring. This square flat was really terrible before.
What Xi Fangping did was to make the other side despise his chances of winning a greater victory. He didn’t know his own strength. He knew from the bottom of his heart that everyone was a seven-story air-entraining monk, and his strength should be similar. If the other side had an instrument, he would obviously fall into the wind, so it was quite feasible in strategy to create some bluff to make the other side despise himself.
Sure enough, Xi Fangping’s performance was a success. He obviously saw a trace of contempt in his opponent’s eyes. This is exactly what he wanted. The opponent also gently patted a bag and took out a small green sword with a length of one foot from the inside. As soon as the sword came out, it immediately caused a burst of exclamation. Whether it was Taiwan or Taiwan, everyone was an expert. Everyone saw that the monk was holding a middle-order instrument to bleed air. The best weapon that the monk could make was the middle-order instrument. The high-order instrument needed more aura, at least. After all, the monks with eleven layers of gas can make their opponents come from the family with a thick family background. One hand is a low-order multiplier. You know, in the first ten games, how many monks with nine layers of gas will show the medium-order multiplier? Even the monks with several layers will make it a low-order multiplier. After all, the price of the medium-order multiplier is four or five hundred lingshi, which is not affordable for ordinary practitioners, but it is not necessarily possible to buy one thousand lingshi among the medium-order multipliers.
The opponent is obviously thinking about saving some spiritual strength to cope with the second round of the game in a few days. Therefore, just taking out the little green sword, he is driving it tightly towards Xi Fangping. In the past, the monks in Taiwan gave a burst of exclamation. Some female monks were even more reluctant to see Xi Fangping being bombed in the ring than closing their eyes. The scenes are all seven-story monks. You are holding mortal weapons in your hand, but others are holding extremely middle-class instruments. You don’t have to go to see it. However, there are several male monks who are out. A burst of cheers is also that Xi Fangping’s appearance is too lethal. These guys with slightly darker psychology wish that the little green sword could draw a few permanent scars on Xi Fangping’s face.
Xi Fangping’s eyes stared at the little green sword tightly until the little green sword was about to reach his chest. Only then did he twist his body and fly over with Xi Fangping’s waist. The incarnation of Xi Fangping’s dragon was much faster than that of the monks of the same order. After five years as an escort, he learned the footwork of Jianghu people. Although the little green sword was fast, it was worthless in his eyes.
Xi Fangping still has a certain understanding of the monks’ practice. He knows that the monks’ body aura is limited during the air-entraining period, and it takes a certain amount of aura to control a medium-order instrument like Little Green Sword. It won’t be long before Xi Fangping has made up his mind to run out of his opponent’s aura when he sees his opponent violently attacking.
After the little green sword flew over Xi Fangping, the opponent turned his head and shot at him. Its ferocity made the Taiwanese scream again, but Xi Fangping still wriggled unhurriedly and escaped the little green sword’s attack again. The degree of the little green sword became faster and faster. On the surface, Xi Fangping was quite embarrassed to deal with it, but Xi Fangping knew in his heart that his strategy had been successful, and the victory was not far from him.
As expected, after all, the Godsworn’s aura in the air-entraining period is limited. After stabbing more than a hundred swords, the opponent has already lost his breath. The fight between Godsworn in this realm and Godsworn in the air-entraining five-story is different. Because Godsworn in the air-entraining five-story freely responds to the aura, it is also difficult to separate the martial arts from each other once fighting. However, every blow of Godsworn in this realm is fierce and abnormal. Even the aura of the other side has consumed more than half of his forehead, and even the little green sword is sweating more and more.
The opportunity has already appeared. Xi Fangping doesn’t want to let go of the left hand with a pinch tactic. An ice shield blocked the castration of the little green sword in vain. Under normal circumstances, the two sides repaired the same pure aura and condensed it into an ice shield. The root method blocked the attack of the middle-order multiplier, but the other side was already a spent force and Xi Fangping’s aura was much stronger than that of the monks of the same order. That ice shield forcefully blocked the castration of the little green sword and actually stuck the little green sword in the ice shield instead of being crushed.
Taking this opportunity, Xi Fangping showed off the footwork of martial arts people and rushed to the opponent. He raised his hand and smashed the mace toward the opponent. The mace was not a multiplier method to infuse the aura, and the opponent’s reaction was also quite fast. Therefore, it did not do much damage to the monk. However, Xi Fangping’s strength was too strong and the mace was a heavy guy. The smash actually smashed the opponent three feet high. When the opponent finally stabilized himself, it was now that he had been smashed out of the ring.
Chapter 26 Beat (in)
There was a dead silence on the platform. No one thought that the seven-story monk would bleed air together, but Xi Fangping defeated the opponent with the middle-order instrument against the mortal weapon. As a result, no one believed it until the nearby ring was deafening, which woke everyone up.
It took a long time for the elder Wang to get up and still look surprised and ask, "Xi Fangping, have you ever studied mortal Wushu?"
Xi Fangping nodded his head. He didn’t feel happy about defeating his opponent. After that, there are still four battles, and it’s getting harder and harder to fight. Now it’s not his happy time. Xi Fangping bowed his hand at Wang’s elder generation and said politely, "It’s Wang’s elder generation who used to be an escort, leading a life of licking blood every day, and learning some martial arts skills in case of accidents."
Senior Wang’s face smiled. "Xi Fangping, you are very clever and know how to give full play to your strengths and weaknesses. This game is for you to participate in the second round three days after you win."
After leaving the challenge, Xi Fangping did not return to his residence to rest, but walked around the square. His eyes were always staring at each monk’s bag. He wanted to see if he could find the bag embroidered with Brother Jinlong, but Xi Fangping was disappointed. Most of the character bags did not embroider anything. Some estimates were from the brothers of the Xiuzhen family. However, these character bags were embroidered with tiger heads and embroidered magic weapons, but there was a golden snake embroidered in the bag.
Think about it, too. The two dead monks in gray and black should have come from a sect with a certain influence, and the people present were either scattered practitioners or from the family of Xiuzhen. It’s estimated that there won’t be any sect brothers coming here to join in the fun. After watching it for several hours, Xi Fangping had to go back to his residence.
The second round of competition was held in three days. Xi Fangping’s opponent was a monk with the same seven floors. This person was obviously a casual practitioner, and his overall strength was worse than that of his opponent in the first round. Therefore, Xi Fangping defeated his opponent without much effort, and the sensation caused by this defeat was not as big as that in the first game. Even the senior of the supervisor Wang did not show any surprise.
After the fight, Xi Fangping didn’t leave immediately, but watched other people fight in the ring. He was waiting for the round of Huang Jiang’s appearance. In his mind, he had regarded Huang Jiang as the main competitor, and whoever wanted to qualify in this group had to face his opponent.
After two innings, Huang Jiang finally appeared, which caused a cheer from the spectators. Obviously, most people bet on Huang Jiang. Naturally, they are going towards Huang Jiang. That Huang Jiang seems to be very good at being a man, so he keeps handing over his hands and smiling at his brother, so he doesn’t pay attention to his opponent.
Xi Fangping carefully observed this guy Huang Jiang, who was taller than Xi Fangping, with two heads and a big face. He kept laughing and gave a generous look. Anyone who saw him would regard him as a fair and bloody man, but Xi Fangping didn’t think so. He saw a trace of greed and cruelty in Huang Jiang’s eyes, and there was a trace of cunning. This is not a good man. Xi Fangping nodded slightly. He tried his best to pretend to be a generous look, just to make people feel good about him and relax. If such a person sells you, you might have to count money for him.
However, the strength of the Yellow River is really ridiculously strong. Xi Fangping estimates that the Yellow River can rank at least in the top ten among the nearly 100 air-entraining ten-story monks participating in the competition. As soon as the Yellow River shows his fame, he will smash his opponent’s multiplier after a few breaths, but he will have to withdraw from the ring.
This man’s hand is ruthless, and he knows how to benefit his own strengths. Juhuijian is a medium-order multiplier, and it is the top product in the medium-order multiplier, which can be compared with the high-order multiplier. This thing is six feet long, two or three feet longer than the general sword, but it looks quite heavy, but it is sharp. Although it is only a low-order multiplier, it was cut to pieces after several supports, so it can be said that the Juhuijian is powerful. It can be said that the Yellow River is based on the Juhuijian, and it should not be stronger than itself. Too many reasons are quite simple. In the battle of the Yellow River, the opponent’s pace was disrupted. He tried his best to throw a fireball, which was two feet big. In the usual practice, Xi Fangping threw a fireball with a diameter of two feet. If he tried his best to throw it, it could reach at least three feet. Considering that the Yellow River might deliberately conceal his strength, Xi Fangping came to the conclusion that although this guy was three stories taller than himself, his body and mental strength were at the same level as himself.
Xi Fangping was not interested in watching the next game. He went back to his residence and asked for a pot of tea. He thought of countermeasures while drinking. He was almost spiritual, but he had a very intermediate multiplier in his hand. It was not that easy to beat him.
The giant Hui Jian is six feet long for long-range attack, which is very powerful, but once it is in close combat, it will be inconvenient to use because the blade is too long. It is not as flexible as the little green sword, but the attack range of the giant Hui Jian is quite large. If you only rely on footwork, you can’t avoid Huang Jiang’s pursuit, that is to say, it is impossible to use up your opponent’s aura to deal with Huang Jiang.
The only way is to cut off the Huang Jianglian of the Giant Hui Sword and then get close to the Yellow River. With his own divine power, he is tough and tenacious. How to cut off the Huang Jianglian with one punch for another? Xi Fangping has been thinking for a long time, but he hasn’t come up with a reason. The monks’ control of the instrument is to pay attention to the release of god knowledge in the art of bending things, so that the instrument will be more powerful with their own mind, and the command of the instrument will be more comfortable. Not only the instrument, but also the magic weapon, including the magic weapon. Of course, those powerful magic weapons such as ancient treasures and
God knows God knows Xi Fangping’s mind. It’s not the same as magic weapon, especially the magic weapon of life is linked with the monk’s mind. If you want to kill the high-order monk’s life, you must kill the owner of the magic weapon, but the magic weapon is different. There is no real main force for the magic weapon. Whoever gets it can wield the power of other departments. If you have enough aura, you can control the magic weapon through God’s knowledge and let it do it yourself.
If Huang Jiang’s attention is drawn by himself in the process of fighting, then he may be able to exert the art of bending objects and control the giant sword with Huang Jiang’s hard grab. Xi Fangping is still quite confident in his knowledge of gods. He has tried several times and concluded that his knowledge of gods is no less than that of the ten-layer friar.
Xi Fangping knows that he doesn’t need to snatch the giant sword, and he needs to attack the gods to make Huang Jiang’s control over the giant sword appear a little bit. Just stop venting, and he can force his opponent to have close combat with the dragon avatar as soon as possible. If close combat can’t beat a monk who is not much better than himself, then Xi Fangping really has to find a piece of tofu and kill him.
After two rounds of war, the gathering of disciples and disciples has been going on for thousands of years, and various sects have long been aware of the system. They have spent a lot of time in arranging troops to ensure that the stronger players do not meet in the first two rounds. Therefore, almost all the ten-story monks and nine-story monks have entered before the two rounds of war, and some of them have entered before entering the first seven floors. The number of monks is pitifully small, and there are no more than ten people at the very most.